Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thames Floods

One of the most frequent event for Thamesites over the years was dealing with regular floods. The principal creeks and rivers often overflowing in times of heavy rain eg. Kauaeranga River, Hape and Karaka Creeks, plus many of the smaller normally minor streams.
1917 Flood - Pollen Street (between Mary and Walter Street intersects)
YES that is a building in the middle of Pollen Street!!! (Photo above). There are photos from the other angle in Postcards taken by E Dunnage.  Also several of the recorded oral histories at The Treasury remembered the time the building next to present Browns 100% was 'moved' by the flood waters.

The Thames Star newspaper is full of accounts of minor and major damage from floods in the area. On 23 February 1917 one such report where a reader is disappointed about the third major flood since Thames was settled and the amount of debris in the Karaka creek that lead to severe flooding in central Pollen Street.